Partnerships / Organizations
Amber has partnered with Rover for all of your boarding needs. Rover takes care of the scheduling, payments and provides your pet with pet insurance. Rover also allows Amber to provide you with photographs and updates throughout the day that you can return to if you would like at a later date.
Humane Society of NWPA
Out and About
The Humane Society of Northwestern Pennsylvania in Erie, PA has endorsed Amber and currently has marketing materials and a copy of her book available for your review.
CCPDT and e-Training for Dogs
Canine Ethology, Body Language and Observational Skills
Amber L. Drake has partnered with e-Training for Dogs and the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers to offer a course as part of the CBCC-KA certification. The course has been designed for those interested in studying for the examination as well as for the average dog owner.
APDT Foundation
Board of Trustees: Education
Amber L. Drake is a Member of the Board of Trustees: Education Committee with the APDT Foundation.
My Dog Has C.L.A.S.S.
Official C.L.A.S.S. Evaluator
Amber L. Drake is now an official C.L.A.S.S. Evaluator via the APDT. C.LA.S.S. is a 3-tiered educational program which promotes positive training and bond strengthening for dogs.